Debra Brenegan | Stories

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March, 2017, “Shaking Hands.” Short Story. Indiana Voice Journal, “Women’s Issue” (reprinted with permission of Literally Stories).

March, 2017, “Rory and Abigail Go to a Wedding.” Short Story. The Scarlet Leaf Review.

February, 2017, “Shaking Hands.” Short Story. Literally Stories.

September, 2015. “Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Wedding.” Short Story. Bluestem Magazine.

April, 2015. "Faking Cancer." Short Story. Prose 'n Cons™ Mystery Magazine.

December, 2013. "A Bath." Short Story. Wild Violet Literary Magazine

April, 2013. "To Serve and Protect." Short Story. Crack the Spine. Issue 61.

April, 2013. "Having Her Cake." Short Story. Literary Orphans Journal.

January, 2012. "The Hand Whore." Short Story. Tampa Review.

Fall, 2011. "Art is Art." Short Story. Natural Bridge.

January, 2011. "Hell to Confess." Short Story. Front Porch Review.

December, 2010. "Buy-out Beige." Short Story. Short Story America.

Spring, 2010. "Good Company." Short Story. Dappled Things, vol 5, No. 2.

January, 2010. "Shades of Gray." Short Story. Southern Women’s Review, vol. 2. No. 1.

October, 2009. "Standing Heat." Short Story. The Laurel Review, vol 43. No. 2.

October, 2008. "Millie’s Drag." Short Story. REAL: The Journal of Liberal Arts, vol. 33. No. 1.

July, 2007. "The Last Triangle." Short story. Calyx: A Journal of Art and Literature by Women, Summer, 2007, vol. 24. No. 1

Debra's work has also appeared in or has been supported by Cream City Review, Harpur Palate, Cimarron Review, New Letters, Pleiades, and Phoebe.

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Debra Brenegan is the author of "Shame the Devil," a historical novel based on the remarkable
and true story of the nineteenth-century novelist, journalist, and feminist Fanny Fern.
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